我应该什么时候申请? 我该如何开始?

Valencia has a rolling admissions process, meaning you can submit an application at 任何时候. However, to start classes by a specific term, you should complete and submit 你的申请由 申请优先截止日期 对于这一项.

注意: A separate application is required for the Allied Health and Nursing programs



Application information for the Allied Health and Nursing programs:


所有A都需要方向.S. 学位课程.

However, if you are seeking a Technical Certificate, you are not required to attend 一个方向.


Register for 新生迎新 or Transfer Student 取向:

注意: If you begin seeking a Technical Certificate, and decide to change to a 学位 seeking status, you will be required to complete 一个方向 before continuing to take 课程.


所有的一.S. 学位 seeking 学生s will be required to take three 评估s before 报名参加课程.

注意: If your primary language is not English and you are seeking an A.S. 学位或技术 证书,你将被要求参加Accuplacer ESL.



  • 联系 评估 了解你的下一步.

Costs vary depending on 学生’s residency status and selected 学位课程.


A的平均成本.S. 学位课程(不包括健康科学)大约 $6,500 – $7,000 for tuition, plus the cost of books and supplies, and special fees.


所有的一.S. 学位有资格澳门金沙注册经济援助. 但是,只有技术证书 programs that are 24 credits or more are eligible for 金融援助.




If your 评估 tests indicate a need for prep math, reading or writing you 可以 need to enroll in developmental education 课程 (please see additional notes section 澳门金沙注册信息).

However, if you are seeking a Technical Certificate, prep coursework is not a requirement as general education 课程 are usually not part of the Technical Certificate.


Once you’ve attended 取向, you will be informed if you will need to enroll 在任何预备课程中.

注意: If you begin seeking a Technical Certificate, and decide to change to a 学位 seeking status, you 可以 be required to complete assessments before continuing to take 课程.


所有的一.S. 学位课程 have an assigned 学生成功教练 who has expertise in the field and can help ensure that you get into the right program and the right 课程.

学生 are strongly encouraged to consult their 学生成功教练 for assistance in determining the best education plan for their career goals. 教育计划可以 only be created after all official transcripts have been evaluated by the Graduation 办公室确定过去的课程转学资格.


学生 should contact their 学生成功教练 after they have completed all required steps to the Enrollment Process including; attending 取向, having all transcripts evaluated, and taking all required 评估s.

Once 学生s have completed the Enrollment process, they can contact their Advisor 通过他们的阿特拉斯电子邮件或电话预约. 学生必须经常 包括他们的金沙注册身份证号码. 任何从阿特拉斯外部发送的电子邮件都可能被删除 到垃圾邮件文件夹.



金沙注册是一个.S. 度 prepare you to go directly to work in a specialized career. 我们的一个.S. 学位课程 are all geared toward high-skill, high-wage industries, and are designed to give you the best possible preparation for the fastest-growing jobs 在我们的地区.  You will be qualified to work in your field immediately after you 得A.S. 学位.

Resources to explore potential careers, salary, job demand and related 度:


澳门金沙注册 focuses on careers that the State of Florida has determined to be “高需求、高工资”的工作.  虽然有很多因素决定 how much a given individual will earn in a given field, additional training and education has typically been shown to increase a person’s earning potential.



如果你是全日制学生,大多数a.S. 学位可以在2-3年内完成. If 你是兼职学生,一般需要3-4年.

Many Technical Certificate programs can be completed in 1 year or less.


注意: Required Developmental Courses 可以 increase the length of time needed to complete 学位课程.


有些课程可能完全在线提供. 但并非所有课程都是在线提供的 每一项. So it is best to check with your 学生成功教练 for online options 和可用性.


在线课程的可用性因学位而异.  您可以检查的可用性 online 课程 through your 阿特拉斯 account once you are enrolled and become a Valencia 学生.

Is there a specific order in which the 课程 should be taken?

是的. Please check with your 学生成功教练 to discuss the appropriate course 为您的程序推荐的顺序.


It is imperative that 学生s connect with their 学生成功教练 to discuss 推荐的课程顺序. 如未能按特定顺序完成课程,可能 推迟毕业. Your 学生成功教练 can help you locate the Recommended Course 阿特拉斯序列指南.


所有的一.S. 学位 seeking 学生s must apply for graduation through their 阿特拉斯 account 毕业申请截止日期前.

However, Technical Certificates are automatically awarded and mailed out to the address 成绩上岗后6-8周存档.


我的A.S. 学位转换为学士学位?

理学副学士(理学学士.S.希望澳门金沙注册学士学位的学生 有几个选择. 你可以转到金沙注册的B队.A.S. 应用学士 理学)商科学位 & 组织领导力,以及其他B.A.S. 度 一些澳门金沙注册或学院提供的课程. 一些.S. 学位也会 transfer into specific 2+2 bachelor’s 学位课程 that are offered at Florida 州大学.


学生 who wish to continue their education should consult with their Student Success Coach to determine the best education plan for their career goals. 学生希望 to transfer credits from this program to another institution must accept responsibility for contacting the College of choice for acceptance of this 学位.


是的. If you need assistance with job resources or in locating an internship, please 联系实习和劳动力服务办公室.


A和A的区别是什么.A. 学位和A.S. 度?

文学副学士学位(A.A. 学位(学位)是通识类学位. 一个一个.A. 学位 will prepare you to transfer to a Florida public university as a junior. 作为A.A. 同学们,有很多方法可以让你专注于你的目标专业. 你可以跟着转车 plan or choose a pre-major which will help you meet most upper division pre-reqs.

澳门金沙注册理科副学士(学士学位.S.学位是两年制的课程,为将来的工作做准备 you for immediate employment in a specialized field with the skills you need for an 令人兴奋的职业和高薪的工作.

用金沙注册的A.S. 学位,你有几个选择. 你可以直接进入 在毕业后从事高技能、高收入的职业. 你也可以选择转学 金沙注册的B.A.S. 学位或进入特定的2+2学士学位课程 佛罗里达澳门金沙注册提供哪些课程.

For a complete list of all Valencia’s 学位 and certificate options: