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术语 定义

A person's predominant and principal state of residence and their place of abode that 他们承认并打算将其维持为永久的家园.


The person who is providing evidence of the establishment of permanent legal residence 在佛罗里达.

  • 对于独立学生,索赔人是学生本人.
  • For dependent 学生s, the claimant can be the 学生's parent, legal 《澳门金沙注册》 or 配偶.

A sworn statement which states that you reside in and maintain a place of abode in 该文件所在的佛罗里达县. 签名并公证 document is filed with the Clerk of Courts and states that you relinquish all legal 和你以前居住的州有关. 该文件必须在12个月前提交 to the start of the semester for which Florida residency is sought.


A 学生 who meets any one of the following criteria shall be classified as an independent 学生 for the determination of 以学费为目的居住:

  • The 学生 is 24 years of age or older by the first day of classes of the term for 在佛罗里达州的一个机构寻求什么样的住院医师身份.
  • 这个学生结婚了.
  • The 学生 has children who receive more than half of their 学生的支持;
  • The 学生 has other dependents who live with and receive more than half of their 学生的支持.
  • The 学生 is a veteran of the United States Armed Forces or is currently serving on active duty in the United States Armed Forces1 or National Guard or Reserves for 培训以外的用途.
  • At any time since the 学生 turned age 13, where both of the 学生’s parents are deceased, or the 学生 is or was (until age 18) one of the following:
    • 法院的监护人/受监护人或
    • 寄养家庭
  • The 学生 is determined to be an unaccompanied homeless youth by a school district homeless liaison, or by a staff member of an emergency shelter or transitional housing 程序.
  • The 学生 is working on a master’s or doctoral degree during the term for which 在佛罗里达州的一个机构寻求居住身份.

Evidence that the 学生 meets one of these criteria will be requested by the higher 教育机构. 不符合下列标准之一的学生 第三节.1 may be classified as an independent 学生 only if he or she submits documentation that he or she provides more than fifty (50) percent of the cost of attendance for independent, in-state 学生s as defined by the institution.


A 学生, whether or not living with his or her parent, who is eligible to be claimed by his or her parent under the federal income tax code shall be classified as a dependent 学生. “家长” means either or both parents of a 学生, any 《澳门金沙注册》 of a 学生, or any person 在父母和学生的关系中.”

有些人不能被称为受抚养人. 一般来说,已婚人士不能 他被认作受抚养人 if they file a joint return with their 配偶. 也, 声称某人是受抚养人,该人必须是美国公民.S. 公民,你.S. 外侨, U.S. national or resident of Canada or Mexico for some part of the year. 有 这条规则的例外是某些被收养的孩子. 见IRS出版物501,豁免, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information for additional tests to determine who can 他被认作受抚养人.

In order to be considered a “qualifying child” or “dependent” for federal income tax 代码目的,下列条件必须成立:

  • The child must be your son, daughter, or stepchild, foster child, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepbrother, stepsister, or a descendant of any of them.
  • 子女必须符合下列条件之一:
    • under age 19 at the end of the year and younger than you (or your 配偶, if filing 联合),
    • under age 24 at the end of the year and a full-time 学生 and younger than you (or 你的配偶(如果共同申请),或者
    • 任何年龄,如果是永久和完全残疾.
  • The child must have lived with you for more than half of the year subject to IRS exceptions.
  • The child must not have provided more than half of his/her own support for the year.
  • The child is not filing a joint return for the year (unless that joint return is filed only as a claim for refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax paid).

法定监护人由佛罗里达法院系统指定. 如果索赔人是 court-appointed legal 《澳门金沙注册》, the 学生 must submit a copy of the court decree 指定申索人为其监护人. 除父母以外的人要求 学生 as a dependent for income tax purposes is not considered the 学生's legal 《澳门金沙注册》. Notarized letters and Power of Attorney paperwork are not considered legal 监护文件.



  • 佛罗里达州驾照
  • 佛罗里达州选民登记卡
  • 佛罗里达州车辆登记
  • 佛罗里达州车辆所有权
  • 住所声明
  • Proof of Purchase of a Permanent Home 在佛罗里达 that is occupied as primary residence
  • 永久全职工作证明
  • 佛罗里达州专业或职业执照
  • 弗罗里达公司
  • Benefit Histories from Florida Agencies or Public Assistance Programs

It is important to note that living or attending school 在佛罗里达 is not tantamount 以学费为目的建立合法住所. 持有合法居留权 在佛罗里达州需要大量的实际存在作为条件. 这是必须的 that the required 12 month qualifying period be for the purpose of maintaining a bona fide domicile rather than for the purpose of maintaining a mere temporary residence or abode incident to enrollment in an institution of higher education.


在美国澳门金沙注册永久居民身份的人.S. 并且已经(或正在) waiting for) a 永久居民 Card (identified as either Form I-151 or Form I-551). 是否有资格为学费目的建立佛罗里达州的居住权.


A foreign national in a nonimmigrant visa classification that grants the person the legal ability to establish and maintain a bona fide domicile in the United States according to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) may establish 以学费为目的在佛罗里达居住. 以下签证类别授予该人 the legal ability to establish and maintain a bona fide domicile in the United States according to USCIS: A, E, G, H-1B, H-1C (classification expires December 20, 2011), I, K, L, N, NATO 1-7, O-1, R, S, T, U, V.


A person who has been granted indefinite stay in the United States may establish Florida 以学费为目的居住.