Conversation Guide

You are what makes us Valencia College. You are a valued part of our community. We accept you and appreciate the things that make you unique. Be the one to know that you are welcomed, just as you are.

Below, we have included some items to remember and tips for engaging in conversation if someone discloses information to you regarding discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment. 

  • It is important to listen to a person’s story without judgment..
  • Be open to hearing what that person has to say. It is helpful to simply sit and listen without offering advice or direction.
  • Ask how you can provide support to the individual.
  • Allow the individual to make their own decisions regarding the next steps.
  • Know your limits – Do not attempt to be someone’s counselor.
  • Offer to get them in contact with someone that will be able to address their concerns.
    • Refer to Title IX coordinator or deputy Title IX coordinator, or
    • Off-campus support resources
  • Avoid victim blaming statements or accusatory language.

Examples of things to say:

  • “I know that was really difficult for you to share. Thank you for sharing with me.”
  • “I care about you and want to help you find support at Valencia College.”
  • “I want you to get the help you need. There are offices on campus that can help; would you like their information?”

Someone has just disclosed an incident of abuse or violence to you. What’s next?

  • Empathize with their situation and ask whether or not they believe that they are currently safe.
    • Do not overshare regarding your own personal experiences (if you have them).
  • Ask if that individual has contacted Campus Security, or would like to, at the time of your conversation.
    • It is okay if they are not ready to contact Security. This always remains as an option, even in the future.
  • If they are currently with you, offer to call the Title IX coordinator (or a deputy coordinator) together.
  • Ask how you can provide additional support.
  • (Optional, but best practice) Check in at a later date to see if there is anything else that you can do to assist them.

If you are experiencing discrimination, harassment, sexual assault or relationship violence:

  • The college is able to provide academic resources depending on the situation. These can include:
    • Modifying your class schedule
    • Campus Security escorts around campus
    • No-contact orders
    • Assisting with financial aid issues
    • Assisting to resolve issues related to enrollment
  • Valencia College has close relationships with various off-campus resources that are able to provide more detailed counseling and advocacy.
  • If you find yourself in an uncomfortable, or violent situation, please report your incident to a member of the Equal Opportunity team.
Responsible Employees

Help keep Valencia College inclusive and safe for all to work and learn.

For more information and to report allegations of discrimination, harassment, or Title IX sexual misconduct, employees and students can contact the following individuals:

Trisha Charles
Director, Equal Opportunity

Ryan Kane
Assistant Vice President, Human Resources,
Title IX Coordinator
Section 504 Coordinator